

class asap_stereo.asap.ASAP(https=False, datum='D_MARS')

Bases: object

ASAP Stereo Pipeline


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/ /| | __ / /| | / /_/ /

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/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ 𝑆 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑂

asap_stereo (0.3.1)

Github: Cite:


ctx_one(left, right, cwd=None)

Run first stage of CTX pipeline

This command runs steps 1-3 of the CTX pipeline

  • left – left image id

  • right – right image id

  • cwd (Optional[str]) – directory to run process within (default to CWD)

ctx_three(max_disp=None, demgsd=24, imggsd=6, cwd=None, **kwargs)

Run third and final stage of the CTX pipeline

This command runs steps 13-15 of the CTX pipeline

  • max_disp (Optional[float]) – Maximum expected displacement in meters

  • demgsd (float) – GSD of final Dem, default is 1 mpp

  • imggsd (float) – GSD of full res image

  • cwd (Optional[str]) – directory to run process within (default to CWD)

  • kwargs

Return type:


ctx_two(stereo, pedr_list, stereo2=None, cwd=None)

Run Second stage of CTX pipeline

This command runs steps 4-12 of the CTX pipeline

  • stereo (str) – ASP stereo config file to use

  • pedr_list (str) – Path to PEDR files, defaults to None to use ODE Rest API

  • stereo2 (Optional[str]) – 2nd ASP stereo config file to use, if none use first stereo file again

  • cwd (Optional[str]) – directory to run process within (default to CWD)

Return type:


hirise_one(left, right)

Download the EDR data from the PDS, requires two HiRISE Id’s (order left vs right does not matter)

This command runs step 1 of the HiRISE pipeline

  • left – HiRISE Id

  • right – HiRISE Id

hirise_three(max_disp, ref_dem, demgsd=1, imggsd=0.25, **kwargs)

Given estimate of max disparity between reference elevation model and HiRISE output, run point cloud alignment and produce the final DEM/ORTHO data products.

This command runs steps 10-12 of the HiRISE pipeline

  • max_disp – Maximum expected displacement in meters

  • ref_dem – Absolute path the reference dem

  • demgsd (float) – GSD of final Dem, default is 1 mpp

  • imggsd (float) – GSD of full res image

Return type:


hirise_two(stereo, mpp=2, bundle_adjust_prefix='adjust/ba', max_iterations=50)

Run various calibration steps then: bundle adjust, produce DEM, render low res version for inspection This will take a while (sometimes over a day), use nohup!

This command runs steps 2-9 of the HiRISE pipeline

  • stereo – ASP stereo config file to use

  • mpp – preview DEM GSD, defaults to 2 mpp

  • bundle_adjust_prefix – bundle adjust prefix, defaults to ‘adjust/ba’

  • max_iterations – number of iterations for HiRISE bundle adjustment, defaults to 50

Return type:



Get the number of threads and processes as a formatted string


str rep of info

class asap_stereo.stereo_quality.ImgInfo(path)

Bases: object

Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


Return type:


asap_stereo.stereo_quality.area_overlap(geom1, geom2)

Returns a ratio of areas which represent the area of the intersection area of geom1 and geom2, divided by the union of areas of of geom1, and geom2.

Return type:


asap_stereo.stereo_quality.delta_solar_az_quality(az1, az2)

Returns a quality score based on the two solar azimuth values, in degrees.

In practice, Shadow-Tip Distance alone does not guarantee similar illumination. The absolute difference in solar azimuth angle between stereo pairs can be optionally constrained.

Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: 0° to 100°. - Recommended: ≤ 20°

Return type:


asap_stereo.stereo_quality.dp(emission1, gndaz1, emission2, gndaz2, radar=False)

Returns the Parallax/Height Ratio (dp) as detailed in Becker et al.(2015).

The input angles are assumed to be in radians. If radar is true, then cot() is substituted for tan() in the calculations.

Physically, dp represents the amount of parallax difference that would be measured between an object in the two images, for unit height.

asap_stereo.stereo_quality.dsh(incidence1, solar_az1, incidence2, solar_az2)

Returns the Shadow-Tip Distance (dsh) as detailed in Becker et al.(2015).

The input angles are assumed to be in radians.

This is defined as the distance between the tips of the shadows in the two images for a hypothetical vertical post of unit height. The “shadow length” describes the shadow of a hypothetical pole so it applies whether there are actually shadows in the image or not. It’s a simple and consistent geometrical way to quantify the difference in illumination. This quantity is computed analogously to dp.


Returns a quality score based on the value of emission_angle, which is expected to be in decimal degrees, zero being normal to the surface.

Return type:


Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: Between 0° and the complement of the maximum slope

(conservatively 45°, greater for smoother terrains) for optical images. Greater than the slope (≥15° even for smooth surfaces) for radar.

  • Recommended: No recommendation

asap_stereo.stereo_quality.get_report(file1, file2)

Generate the report of the stereo quality :type file1: :param file1: :type file2: :param file2: :rtype: str :return:

asap_stereo.stereo_quality.gsd_quality(gsd1, gsd2)

Returns a quality score based on the two ground sample distances, gsd1 and gsd2.

Image pairs with GSD ratios larger than 2.5 can be used but are not optimal, as details only seen in the smaller scale image will be lost. If required, images with ratios greater than ~2.5 should be resampled to the GSD of the lower scale image (Becker at al., 2015).

Return type:



Returns a quality score based on the Shadow-Tip Distance (dsh).

Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: 0 to 2.58. - Recommended: 0

Return type:



Returns a quality score based on the value of incidence_angle, which is expected to be in decimal degrees, zero being normal to the surface.

Return type:


Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: Between 40° and 65° depending on smoothness

(shadows to be avoided).

  • Recommended: Nominally 50°

asap_stereo.stereo_quality.parallax(emission1, gndaz1, emission2, gndaz2)

Returns the parallax angle between the two look vectors described by the emission angles and sub-spacecraft ground azimuth angles.

Input angles are assumed to be radians, as is the return value.

Return type:



Returns a quality score based on the value of phase_angle, which is expected to be in decimal degrees, zero being normal to the surface.

Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: Between 5° and 120°. - Recommended: ≥ 30°

Return type:


asap_stereo.stereo_quality.quality(value, ideal, low, high)

Return a quality value based on value.

The value of ideal would be a perfect value of value, but if value is between low and high it is acceptable. ideal must be between low and high, otherwise a ValueError is raised.

A quality value of one indicates that value is ideal. Quality values between zero and one indicate that value is between low and high (the closer to ideal, the higher the quality score). Values less than zero are beyond the acceptable range of low and high.

If ideal is a two-tuple, then this indicates that all values between and including those values are “ideal” values. Again, these two values must be between low and high

Return type:



Returns a quality score based on the stereo area overlap.

Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: Between 30% and 100%. - Recommended: 50% to 100%.

Return type:



Returns a quality score based on the Parallax/Height Ratio (dp).

Becker et al. (2015) indicates: - Limits: Between 0.1 (5°) and 1 (~45°). - Recommended: 0.4 (20°) to 0.6 (30°).

Return type:


ASAP (module level)


Converts the running command into a single string of the full command call for easier logging


command (RunningCommand) – a command from that was run

Return type:



string of bash command


rich logger decorator, wraps a function and writes nice log statements


func (Callable) – function to wrap


wrapped function


Parallel execution helper function for Commands

  • func – func to call

  • all_calls_args – args to pass to each call of the func


list of called commands


class asap_stereo.asap.CommonSteps

Bases: object

ASAP Stereo Pipeline - Common Commands


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/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ 𝑆 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑂

asap_stereo (0.3.1)

Github: Cite:


bundle_adjust(*vargs, postfix='_RED.cub', bundle_adjust_prefix='adjust/ba', camera_postfix='.json', **kwargs)

Bundle adjustment wrapper

#TODO: make function that attempts to find absolute paths to vargs if they are files?

  • vargs – any number of additional positional arguments (including GCPs)

  • postfix – postfix of images to bundle adjust

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • bundle_adjust_prefix – where to save out bundle adjust results

  • kwargs – kwargs to pass to bundle_adjust

Return type:




static cam_test(cub, camera, sample_rate=1000, subpixel_offset=0.25)
Return type:


check_mpp_against_true_gsd(path, mpp)

Get the GSD of the image, and warn if it is less than 3 * the gsd

  • path – path to image

  • mpp – proposed mpp for image


for each footprint generate a vector footprint :type imgs: :param imgs: gdal rasters with nodata defined :return:

static create_stereodirs()
static create_stereodirs_lis()
static create_stereopair_lis()
static create_stereopairs_lis()
crop_by_buffer(ref, src, img_out=None, factor=2.0)

use gdal warp to crop img2 by a buffer around img1

  • ref – first image defines buffer area

  • src – second image is cropped by buffer from first

  • factor – factor to buffer with

defaults_ps1 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 5, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps2 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 5, '--processes': 2, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s0 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 0, '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 1, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s1 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 1, '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 2, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s2 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 2, '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 3, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s3 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 3, '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 4, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s4 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 4, '--processes': 1, '--stop-point': 5, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
defaults_ps_s5 = {'--bundle-adjust-prefix': 'adjust/ba', '--entry-point': 5, '--processes': 2, '--threads-multiprocess': 1, '--threads-singleprocess': 2}
static drg_to_cog(img, scale_bound=0.001, gdal_options=None)
estimate_max_disparity(ref_dem, src_dem=None)

Estimate the absolute value of the maximum observed displacement between two point clouds, and the standard deviation of the differences

if not applying an initial transform to pc_align, use the max_d value if expecting to apply a transform first and you are interested in the maximum displacement after an initial transform, then use the std_d returned (likely 3X it)

estimate_median_disparity(ref_dem, src_dem=None)
static gen_csm(*cubs, meta_kernal=None, max_workers=2)

Given N cub files, generate json camera models for each using ale

generate_csm(postfix='_RED.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json')

generate CSM models for both images :type postfix: :param postfix: :type camera_postfix: :param camera_postfix: :return:

geoid_adjust(run, output_folder, **kwargs)

Adjust DEM to geoid

Run geoid adjustment on dem for final science ready product :type run: :param run: :type output_folder: :param output_folder: :type kwargs: :param kwargs:

static get_cam_info(img)

Get the camera information dictionary from ISIS using camrange


img – path to image as a string

Return type:



dictionary of info

get_geo_diff(ref_dem, src_dem=None)
static get_image_band_stats(img)


Return type:



static get_image_gsd(img, opinion='lower')
Return type:


static get_img_bounds(img)

Get the bounds of the image

uses rasterio :type img: :param img: path to image :return: bounds tuple

static get_img_crs(img)

Get CRS of the image

uses rasterio :type img: :param img: path to image :return: CRX of image

static get_map_info(img, key, group='UniversalGroundRange')
Return type:


static get_mpp_postfix(mpp)

get the mpp postfix


mpp (Union[int, float, str]) – mpp value

Return type:



postfix as a string

get_pedr_4_pcalign_common(postfix, proj, https, pedr_list=None)
Return type:


get_pedr_4_pcalign_w_moody(cub_path, proj=None, https=True)

Python replacement for that uses moody and the PDS geosciences node REST API

  • proj – optional projection override

  • https – optional way to disable use of https

  • cub_path – path to input file to get query geometry

Return type:


static get_srs_info(img, use_eqc=None)
Return type:


static get_stereo_quality_report(cub1, cub2)

Get the stereo quality report for two cub files The cub files must be Level1 images (Spiceinit’ed but not map-projected).

The quality values reported by this program are based on the recommendations and limitations in Becker et al. (2015). They have a value of one for an ideal value, between zero and one for a value within the acceptable limits, and less than zero (the more negative, the worse) if the value is beyond the acceptable limit. # TODO refactor into more granular bits :type cub1: :param cub1: path :type cub2: :param cub2: path :rtype: str :return:

mapproject_both(refdem=None, mpp=6, postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', bundle_adjust_prefix='adjust/ba', **kwargs)

Mapproject the left and right images against a reference DEM

  • refdem – reference dem to map project using

  • mpp – target GSD

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • bundle_adjust_prefix – where to save out bundle adjust results

static parse_stereopairs()
point_cloud_align(datum, maxd=None, refdem=None, highest_accuracy=True, run='results_ba', kind='map_ba_align', **kwargs)
point_to_dem(mpp, pc_suffix, just_ortho=False, just_dem=False, use_proj=None, postfix='.lev1eo.cub', run='results_ba', kind='map_ba_align', output_folder='dem', reference_spheroid='mars', **kwargs)
projections = {'IAU_Mars': '+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=3396190 +b=3396190 +units=m +no_defs', 'IAU_Mercury': '+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=2439700 +b=2439700 +units=m +no_defs', 'IAU_Moon': '+proj=eqc +lat_ts=0 +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=1737400 +b=1737400 +units=m +no_defs'}
rescale_and_overwrite(factor, postfix='.lev1eo.cub')

Rescale the left and right images

  • factor – factor to reduce each dimension by

  • postfix – file postfix

rescale_cub(src_file, factor=4, overwrite=False, dst_file=None)

rescale an ISIS3 cub file using the ‘reduce’ command given a factor, optionaly do not overwrite file

  • src_file (str) – path to src cub file

  • factor – reduction factor (number [lines, samples] / factor)

  • overwrite – if true overwrite the src file

  • dst_file – destination file name, append rescaled_ if not specified

stereo_asap(stereo_conf, refdem='', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.json', run='results_ba', output_file_prefix='${run}/${both}_ba', posargs='', **kwargs)

parallel stereo common step

  • run – stereo run output folder prefix

  • output_file_prefix – template string for output file prefix

  • refdem (str) – optional reference DEM for 2nd pass stereo

  • posargs (str) – additional positional args

  • postfix – postfix(s) to use for input images

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • stereo_conf (str) – stereo config file

  • kwargs – keyword arguments for parallel_stereo

transform_bounds_and_buffer(img1, img2, factor=2.0)

Get bounds of img2 based on centroid of img1 surrounded by a buffer the size of the maximum dimension of img1 (scaled by a factor)

ie if img1 is hirise and img2 is ctx, we find the center point of img1 in img2 then create a bounding box that is buffered (in radius) by the height of the hirise image technically the buffered box would be 2x the height of the hirise which is fine

  • img1 – img to find the bounds in img2 space

  • img2 – crs we are interested in finding the expanded bounds of img1 in

  • factor – how big we want it (radius is longest dim in img1)


xmin_img2, ymin_img2, xmax_img2, ymax_img2


class asap_stereo.asap.CTX(https=False, datum='D_MARS', proj=None)

Bases: object

ASAP Stereo Pipeline - CTX workflow


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/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ 𝑆 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑂

asap_stereo (0.3.1)

Github: Cite:


generate_ctx_pair_list(one, two)
get_ctx_order(one, two)
Return type:


static notebook_pipeline_make_dem(left, right, config1, pedr_list=None, downsample=None, working_dir='./', config2=None, dem_gsd=24.0, img_gsd=6.0, max_disp=None, step_kwargs=None, out_notebook=None, **kwargs)

First step in CTX DEM pipeline that uses papermill to persist log

this command does most of the work, so it is long running! I recommend strongly to use nohup with this command

  • out_notebook – output notebook log file name, defaults to log_asap_notebook_pipeline_make_dem.ipynb

  • config2 (Optional[str]) – ASP config file to use for second processing pass

  • working_dir – Where to execute the processing, defaults to current directory

  • config1 (str) – ASP config file to use for first processing pass

  • pedr_list (Optional[str]) – Path to PEDR files, defaults to None to use ODE Rest API

  • left (str) – First image id

  • right (str) – Second image id

  • max_disp – Maximum expected displacement in meters, use None to determine it automatically

  • step_kwargs – Arbitrary dict of kwargs for steps following {‘step_#’ : {‘key’: ‘value}}

  • downsample (Optional[int]) – Factor to downsample images for faster production

  • dem_gsd – desired GSD of output DEMs (4x image GSD)

  • img_gsd – desired GSD of output ortho images

  • kwargs – kwargs for papermill

step_1(one, two, cwd=None)

Download CTX EDRs from the PDS

  • one (str) – first CTX image id

  • two (str) – second CTX image id

  • cwd (Optional[str]) –

Return type:


step_10(stereo_conf, refdem=None, posargs='', postfix='', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', **kwargs)

Second stereo first step

  • stereo_conf

  • refdem – path to reference DEM or PEDR csv file

  • posargs – additional positional args

  • postfix – postfix for files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • kwargs

step_11(stereo_conf, refdem=None, posargs='', postfix='', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', **kwargs)

Second stereo second step

  • stereo_conf

  • refdem – path to reference DEM or PEDR csv file

  • posargs – additional positional args

  • postfix – postfix for files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • kwargs

step_12(pedr_list=None, postfix='.lev1eo')

Get MOLA PEDR data to align the CTX DEM to

  • postfix – postfix for file, minus extension

  • pedr_list – path local PEDR file list, default None to use REST API

step_13(run='results_map_ba', maxd=None, refdem=None, highest_accuracy=True, **kwargs)

PC Align CTX

Run pc_align using provided max disparity and reference dem optionally accept an initial transform via kwargs

  • run – folder used for this processing run

  • highest_accuracy – Use the maximum accuracy mode

  • maxd (Optional[float]) – Maximum expected displacement in meters

  • refdem – path to pedr csv file or reference DEM/PC, if not provided assume pedr4align.csv is available

  • kwargs

step_14(mpp=24.0, just_ortho=False, run='results_map_ba', output_folder='dem_align', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', **kwargs)

Produce final DEMs/Orthos

Run point2dem on the aligned output to produce final science ready products

  • run – folder used for this processing run

  • mpp

  • just_ortho

  • output_folder

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • kwargs

step_15(run='results_map_ba', output_folder='dem_align', **kwargs)

Adjust DEM to geoid

Run geoid adjustment on dem for final science ready product :type run: :param run: folder used for this processing run :type output_folder: :param output_folder: :type kwargs: :param kwargs:


ISIS3 CTX preprocessing, replaces


with_web – if true attempt to use webservices for SPICE kernel data


Create various processing files for future steps # todo: deduplicate with hirise side

step_4(*vargs, bundle_adjust_prefix='adjust/ba', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', **kwargs)

Bundle Adjust CTX

Run bundle adjustment on the CTX map projected data

  • vargs – variable length additional positional arguments to pass to bundle adjust

  • bundle_adjust_prefix – prefix for bundle adjust output

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras

Return type:


step_5(stereo_conf, posargs='', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', **kwargs)

Parallel Stereo Part 1

Run first part of parallel_stereo

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras # TODO: use .adjusted_state.json?

step_6(stereo_conf, posargs='', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json', **kwargs)

Parallel Stereo Part 2

Run second part of parallel_stereo, stereo is completed after this step

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras # TODO: use .adjusted_state.json?

step_7(mpp=24, just_ortho=False, run='results_ba', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', **kwargs)

Produce preview DEMs/Orthos

Produce dem from point cloud, by default 24mpp for ctx for max-disparity estimation

  • run – folder for results

  • just_ortho – set to True if you only want the ortho image, else make dem and error image

  • mpp – resolution in meters per pixel

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

step_8(run='results_ba', output_folder='dem')

hillshade First step in asp_ctx_step2_map2dem script

  • output_folder

  • run

  • mpp

step_9(refdem=None, mpp=6, run='results_ba', postfix='.lev1eo.cub', camera_postfix='.lev1eo.json')

Mapproject the left and right ctx images against the reference DEM

  • run – name of run

  • refdem – reference dem to map project using

  • mpp – target GSD

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use


class asap_stereo.asap.HiRISE(https=False, datum='D_MARS', proj=None)

Bases: object

ASAP Stereo Pipeline - HiRISE workflow


___ _____ ___ ____

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/ /| | __ / /| | / /_/ /

/ ___ |___/ / ___ |/ ____/

/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ 𝑆 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑂

asap_stereo (0.3.1)

Github: Cite:


generate_hirise_pair_list(one, two)

Generate the hirise pair.lis file for future steps

  • one – first image id

  • two – second image id


Use moody to get the emission angle of the provided HiRISE image id


pid (str) – HiRISE image id

Return type:



emission angle

get_hirise_order(one, two)

Get the image ids sorted by lower emission angle

  • one (str) – first image

  • two (str) – second image

Return type:

Tuple[str, str]


tuple of sorted images

static notebook_pipeline_make_dem(left, right, config, ref_dem, gcps='', max_disp=None, downsample=None, dem_gsd=1.0, img_gsd=0.25, max_ba_iterations=200, alignment_method='rigid', step_kwargs=None, working_dir='./', out_notebook=None, **kwargs)

First step in HiRISE DEM pipeline that uses papermill to persist log

This command does most of the work, so it is long running! I recommend strongly to use nohup with this command, even more so for HiRISE!

  • out_notebook – output notebook log file name, defaults to log_asap_notebook_pipeline_make_dem_hirise.ipynb

  • working_dir – Where to execute the processing, defaults to current directory

  • config (str) – ASP config file to use for processing

  • left (str) – first image id

  • right (str) – second image id

  • alignment_method – alignment method to use for pc_align

  • downsample (Optional[int]) – Factor to downsample images for faster production

  • ref_dem (str) – path to reference DEM or PEDR csv file

  • gcps (str) – path to gcp file todo: currently only one gcp file allowed

  • max_disp (Optional[float]) – Maximum expected displacement in meters, specify none to determine it automatically

  • dem_gsd (float) – desired GSD of output DEMs (4x image GSD)

  • img_gsd (float) – desired GSD of output ortho images

  • max_ba_iterations (int) – maximum number of BA steps to use per run (defaults to 50 for slow running hirise BA)

  • step_kwargs – Arbitrary dict of kwargs for steps following {‘step_#’ : {‘key’: ‘value}}

pre_step_10(refdem, run='results_ba', alignment_method='translation', do_resample='gdal', **kwargs)

Hillshade Align before PC Align

Automates the procedure to use ipmatch on hillshades of downsampled HiRISE DEM to find an initial transform

  • run

  • do_resample – can be: ‘gdal’ or ‘asp’ or anything else for no resampling

  • alignment_method – can be ‘similarity’ ‘rigid’ or ‘translation’

  • refdem – path to reference DEM or PEDR csv file

  • kwargs

pre_step_10_pedr(pedr_list=None, postfix='_RED.cub')

Use MOLA PEDR data to align the HiRISE DEM to in case no CTX DEM is available

  • pedr_list – path local PEDR file list, default None to use REST API

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

Return type:


step_1(one, two, cwd=None)

Download HiRISE EDRs

Download two HiRISE images worth of EDR files to two folders

  • one – first image id

  • two – second image id

  • cwd (Optional[str]) –

step_10(maxd, refdem, run='results_ba', highest_accuracy=True, **kwargs)


Run pc_align using provided max disparity and reference dem optionally accept an initial transform via kwargs

  • run

  • maxd – Maximum expected displacement in meters

  • refdem – path to reference DEM or PEDR csv file

  • highest_accuracy – use highest precision alignment (more memory and cpu intensive)

  • kwargs – kwargs to pass to pc_align, use to override ASAP defaults

step_11(mpp=1.0, just_ortho=False, postfix='_RED.cub', run='results_ba', output_folder='dem_align', **kwargs)

Produce final DEMs/Orthos

Run point2dem on the aligned output to produce final science ready products

  • run

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • mpp – Desired GSD (meters per pixel)

  • just_ortho – if True, just render out the ortho images

  • output_folder – output folder name

  • kwargs – any other kwargs you want to pass to point2dem

step_12(run='results_ba', output_folder='dem_align', **kwargs)

Adjust DEM to geoid

Run geoid adjustment on dem for final science ready product

  • run

  • output_folder

  • kwargs


Metadata init

Create various files with info for later steps


Hiedr2mosaic preprocessing

Run hiedr2mosaic on all the data

step_4(postfix='*.mos_hijitreged.norm.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json')

Copy hieder2mosaic files

Copy the hiedr2mosaic output to the location needed for cam2map4stereo


postfix – postfix for cub files to use

step_5(refdem=None, gsd=None, postfix='_RED.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json', bundle_adjust_prefix=None, **kwargs)

# todo this no longer makes sense for step 5, needs to run after bundle adjust but before stereo # todo need cameras by this point, currently done in BA Map project HiRISE data for stereo processing

Note this step is optional.

  • bundle_adjust_prefix

  • camera_postfix

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • gsd (Optional[float]) – override for final resolution in meters per pixel (mpp)

step_6(*vargs, postfix='_RED.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json', bundle_adjust_prefix='adjust/ba', **kwargs)

Bundle Adjust HiRISE

Run bundle adjustment on the HiRISE map projected data

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

  • vargs – variable length additional positional arguments to pass to bundle adjust

  • bundle_adjust_prefix

Return type:


step_7(stereo_conf, postfix='_RED.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json', run='results_ba', posargs='', **kwargs)

Parallel Stereo Part 1

Run first part of parallel_stereo

  • run – folder for results of run

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

step_8(stereo_conf, postfix='_RED.cub', camera_postfix='_RED.json', run='results_ba', posargs='', **kwargs)

Parallel Stereo Part 2

Run second part of parallel_stereo, stereo is completed after this step

  • run – folder for results of run

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • camera_postfix – postfix for cameras to use

step_9(mpp=2, just_dem=True, postfix='_RED.cub', run='results_ba', **kwargs)

Produce preview DEMs/Orthos

Produce dem from point cloud, by default 2mpp for hirise for max-disparity estimation

  • run – folder for results of run

  • postfix – postfix for cub files to use

  • just_dem – set to True if you only want the DEM and no other products like the ortho and error images

  • mpp


class asap_stereo.asap.Georef

Bases: object

ASAP Stereo Pipeline - Georef Tools


___ _____ ___ ____

/ | / ___// | / __

/ /| | __ / /| | / /_/ /

/ ___ |___/ / ___ |/ ____/

/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ 𝑆 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅 𝐸 𝑂

asap_stereo (0.3.1)

Github: Cite:


add_gcps(gcp_csv_file, mobile_file)

Given a gcp file in csv format (can have Z values or different extension) use gdaltranslate to add the GCPs to the provided mobile file by creating a VRT raster

create_gcps(reference_image, match_file_csv, out_name=None)

Given a reference image and a match file in csv format, generate a csv of GCPs. By default just prints to stdout but out_name allows you to name the csv file or you can pipe

find_matches(reference_image, *mobile_images, ipfindkwargs=None, ipmatchkwargs=None)

Generate GCPs for a mobile image relative to a reference image and echo to std out #todo: do we always assume the mobile_dem has the same srs/crs and spatial resolution as the mobile image? #todo: implement my own normalization :type reference_image: :param reference_image: reference vis image :type mobile_images: :param mobile_images: image we want to move to align to reference image :type ipfindkwargs: :param ipfindkwargs: override kwargs for ASP ipfind :type ipmatchkwargs: :param ipmatchkwargs: override kwarge for ASP ipmatch :return:

get_common_matches(ref_left_match, ref_right_match)

returns coordinates as column row (x, y). rasterio xy expects row column

get_ref_z(common_ref_left_crs, ref_dem)
im_feeling_lucky(ref_img, mobile_image, *other_mobile, ipfindkwargs=None, ipmatchkwargs=None, gdal_warp_args=None)

Georeference an mobile dataset against a reference image. Do it all in one go, can take N mobile datasets but assumes the first is the mobile image. If unsure normalize your data ahead of time

make_ba_gcps(ref_img, ref_dem, ref_left_match, ref_right_match, left_name, lr_left_name, right_name, lr_right_name, eoid='+proj=longlat +R=3396190 +no_defs', out_name=None)
make_gcps_for_ba(ref_img, ref_dem, left, right, eoid='+proj=longlat +R=3396190 +no_defs', out_name=None, ipfindkwargs=None)
Given a reference image and dem, and two images for a stereopair,

automatically create GCPs for ASP’s BA by finding ip match points common between the reference image and the left and right images for the new pair and sampling the z values from the reference DEM.

note that this will create several vrt files because we want to make normalized downsampled images to find a good number of matches and to save time between images of large resolution differences

match_gsds(ref_image, *images)

Convert an ASP .match file from ipmatch to CSV

ref_in_crs(common, ref_img, cr=True)
transform_matches(match_file_csv, mobile_img, mobile_other, outname=None)

Given a csv match file of two images (reference and mobile), and a third image (likely a DEM) create a modified match csv file with the coordinates transformed for the 2nd (mobile) image This works using the CRS of the images and assumes that both mobile images are already co-registered This is particularly useful when the imagery is higher pixel resolution than a DEM, and permits generating duplicated gcps

static warp(reference_image, mobile_vrt, out_name=None, gdal_warp_args=None, tr=1.0)

Final step in workflow, given a reference image and a mobile vrt with attached GCPs use gdalwarp to create a modified non-virtual file that is aligned to the reference image